1. Adoption. This is ultimately on the Lord's time-table, but we need to be devoting a certain amount of time per week to this endeavor. We believe we are called to care for the orphan through adoption and despite our best intentions if we don't keep this focus other things will crowd in and take over. We're committed to praying about, talking about, doing paperwork, fundraising, saving etc etc this year. Ultimately we'd like to spend a minimum of 2-3 hours each week focusing our undivided attention on our adoption. Some weeks there will be less paperwork. Other weeks we may be praying around the clock.
2. Save. save. save. I am SO thankful for a husband who is committed to living debt-free. That said, we know in order to continue to do so we also need to save. Somewhere down the line both of us will need a new car and some new household appliances. In order to offset these costs we need to be saving now. We continue to save anything I make from nannying, teaching, Jamberry, selling items on Ebay or Craigslist to go towards our adoption, but we'd like to be saving even more towards that.
3. Education. Nick is looking into some continuing education. We're both taking an 18 week parenting class through our church. I need to
4. Read. This could really go along with education as I want to read to grow, learn, and change this year. Yes, I still enjoy fiction, but I want this to be a year I read some very meaningful books. Here are just a few that have made my list:
Choosing Gratitude was given to me almost 4 years ago by a very generous friend during what has been one of the HARDEST seasons of my life. It was a good read then and I need a refresher these days. I seem to be in a season of wrestling with God over some things and need to choose to be thankful no matter what.

Nick gave me a leather bound edition of Mansfield Park when we were dating. It was supposed to be for Valentine's Day, but I got an antique book of poetry that had been in his family for years (yeah, that carried a lot of weight when we had only been dating officially one month). I have yet to read it and that is a MUST for this year.

The Connected Child has been suggested by multiple people connected in some way to adoption. I need to get my hands on a copy and pour through it, allowing it to challenge my thinking.

I have The Excellent Wife and need to get through it, but a friend suggested this one and I really like the emphasis on memorization and application this book has in its daily readings.
One of my all-time favorite pastors is Rick Holland.
He is responsible for the most growth and edification in my life apart from my own pastors through the years. I've started this one, but never made it through due to the craziness a season of dating and engagement brought. I've started it over and already know it is going to be one of my favorites this year.
5. Grow in discipline. We are about to get much busier than we've been since getting married. Small group, Saturday morning men's study, accountability meetings, continuing education, parenting class, covering a maternity leave, nanny job, being self-employed, walking through the adoption paperwork, appointments, phone calls, fundraising, and much more. I get tired just thinking about all the new things we are biting off this year. Yet, this is a year I want to learn to slow down and focus on what is important or at least be disciplined enough to make it happen. I want to pray and pray well. I want to be better about praying specifically for others. I want to be better at asking in faith and believing God will answer.
2014 has already started off with a 'bang', bringing multiple reasons to grieve and 'wrestle' with God, as well as reasons to rejoice. I have a sense this is going to be a very growing year which admittedly can make me a bit anxious as I anticipate how God is going to achieve that. Ultimately I rest in knowing His love for us and take comfort that both the sun and the rain come from Him.
What are your goals for 2014?