Anyone else feel like their summer has just FLOWN by? Nick and I find ourselves desperately trying to hold onto as much of it as we can and find ourselves wishing we could add on another 12 weeks or more. We have vacations to plan, people to host, places to go, adoption paperwork to conquer, yardwork... the list is unending.
You may have noticed it's been a bit quiet here over the last several months. We had a pretty rough winter. That caused us to shift our focus on just getting through each day for a while. Spring came and with it came a new sense of hope and some much needed refreshment. Yes, we're still marching forward with our adoption. Yes, there is a lot of paperwork involved. And yes, we both really dislike paperwork.
Our goal is to be starting our home study this fall. We've got a few more details to iron out before that can happen, but we are excited to have a deadline to be aiming for. A target to shoot at. A goal. I'm reminded constantly with this process and with my business that a goal requires intentional steps. It isn't just going to happen. It takes work.
It's also been about a year now since I started this adventure with Jamberry and to say the Lord has blessed is an understatement! I so appreciate all my customers and supporters who have allowed this business to flourish. It is SO much fun and so rewarding as I know this adventure is going to be able to fund the bulk of our adoption. WHAT?! That honestly blows me away and causes tears more than I care to admit. What a blessing to find out about this company through a friend and see how the Lord is working.
It's also so very humbling to be on the receiving end of financial gifts from family and friends who are backing us and helping care for orphans through their gift. It is just so amazing to see the Lord work in ways we couldn't have imagined.
Keep praying for us. We neeeed those prayers. Pray for us to be intentional in getting things done, to be wise with our time, to be saving as much as we can, and pray for the kiddos we will bringing home. Pray that ultimately God would be glorified through us in all of us. Thanks!
Friday, August 8, 2014
Sunday, May 11, 2014
From Where I Stand {Motherhood}
The sun is setting behind the trees, and I can see it while sitting in our living room. Nick's on a run and the house is quiet. Yet it's not. I hear laughter. Giggling. And little voices. I'm peeking around the corner at two beautiful children who are calm, happy, and home.
As quickly as that scene came, it's gone. There's a lawnmower cutting the grass next door proving there is life growing and flourishing this spring. There's a dog barking at the people walking by. The sun is still there. Still sinking further and further behind the house in our backyard, the beautiful beams of light dancing behind the leaves. But there isn't the laughter, the giggling, the little voices.
Our children aren't here yet. That is one of the hardest realities we face everyday. We are apart. I never would have thought my heart would feel like it was thousands of miles away with such depth at this point in the journey. I never would have thought that I'd be aching so much to have those children with their giggles and grins here in our home... now.
They aren't here. They're hours away. Perhaps they are giggling or maybe they're crying. "Father, care for them," is sometimes all I can pray. I'm not there to play with them, comfort them, or watch them. I'm left sitting in our home watching the sun set and wondering what I can do next to help get them home faster. I'm being a mother from afar.
And then I hear it. Silence. Stillness. I sense God telling me that it isn't up to me, that He has this. That He is caring for HIS children right now. He can see their smiles and hear their laughter or their frowns and cries. As I think on this I am moved to tears. Suddenly God seeing us in our all our moments is that much clearer. That much more real. That much more of a hope I cling to. I stop completely amazed by the love He has for us.
I watch the sun set, knowing that somewhere beautiful children can see the same sun. Sometimes sharing the sun is all that keeps this mama from afar going.
Check out my friend Emily's take on motherhood.
As quickly as that scene came, it's gone. There's a lawnmower cutting the grass next door proving there is life growing and flourishing this spring. There's a dog barking at the people walking by. The sun is still there. Still sinking further and further behind the house in our backyard, the beautiful beams of light dancing behind the leaves. But there isn't the laughter, the giggling, the little voices.
Our children aren't here yet. That is one of the hardest realities we face everyday. We are apart. I never would have thought my heart would feel like it was thousands of miles away with such depth at this point in the journey. I never would have thought that I'd be aching so much to have those children with their giggles and grins here in our home... now.
They aren't here. They're hours away. Perhaps they are giggling or maybe they're crying. "Father, care for them," is sometimes all I can pray. I'm not there to play with them, comfort them, or watch them. I'm left sitting in our home watching the sun set and wondering what I can do next to help get them home faster. I'm being a mother from afar.
And then I hear it. Silence. Stillness. I sense God telling me that it isn't up to me, that He has this. That He is caring for HIS children right now. He can see their smiles and hear their laughter or their frowns and cries. As I think on this I am moved to tears. Suddenly God seeing us in our all our moments is that much clearer. That much more real. That much more of a hope I cling to. I stop completely amazed by the love He has for us.
I watch the sun set, knowing that somewhere beautiful children can see the same sun. Sometimes sharing the sun is all that keeps this mama from afar going.
Check out my friend Emily's take on motherhood.
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
From Where I Stand {Spring}
Spring. Never have I longed for one season so much in my life. Never.
Fall is my favorite season. Sweatshirts, bonfires, my birthday, our anniversary, pumpkins, apple cider... I'm starting to drool just thinking about it. But this year, this year, I just longed for spring to come. To stay.
Winter has lasted forever here in Indy this year. Hibernation took on new meaning to us. I missed church more than I made it, sent Nick grocery shopping more than ever, even tried out PeaPod (which I am a HUGE fan of now), and was the recipient of a few meals from my mom. I would make my way to work a few days a week, come home, and quickly try to get warm in a house with a thermostat set at 65 (brrrr!). Other days I would just lay curled up on the couch thankful I could at least work on Jamberry from the couch. The months of December and February especially are a blur. We didn't even decorate for Christmas this year.
The Lord saw fit to bring some trials our way this winter, things we didn't see coming before one rather uneventful day in December. There were things that made us put much of our plans on hold and hunker down into survival mode. Dishes and laundry piled up. The to-do list sat abandoned and growing longer with each week. I longed for spring, hoping against hope, that it would bring a change in these trials. I watched dear friends going through some of their darkest days and wanted desperately to be more of an encouragement to them, and I wanted spring to come for them, too.
Now that spring has started to peek its head out from behind our cold, grey skies I can say the trials seem to be fading- for now at least. My heart feels a sense of hope again. Dishes and laundry are caught up on. I have been to the grocery more times than I can count in the past few weeks (and enjoyed every second of it). I even turned the thermostat up to 'a balmy 66 degrees' (ha!) since the temps outside won't mean our furnace is working so hard.
So, now that spring is here I feel like I'm coming up to breathe again. There has never been such hope with the coming of a new season and I am thankful God created the beauty of different seasons. Spring, you may just be my favorite this year.
Head over to my friend Christina's blog to get her take on spring this year!
Fall is my favorite season. Sweatshirts, bonfires, my birthday, our anniversary, pumpkins, apple cider... I'm starting to drool just thinking about it. But this year, this year, I just longed for spring to come. To stay.
Winter has lasted forever here in Indy this year. Hibernation took on new meaning to us. I missed church more than I made it, sent Nick grocery shopping more than ever, even tried out PeaPod (which I am a HUGE fan of now), and was the recipient of a few meals from my mom. I would make my way to work a few days a week, come home, and quickly try to get warm in a house with a thermostat set at 65 (brrrr!). Other days I would just lay curled up on the couch thankful I could at least work on Jamberry from the couch. The months of December and February especially are a blur. We didn't even decorate for Christmas this year.
The Lord saw fit to bring some trials our way this winter, things we didn't see coming before one rather uneventful day in December. There were things that made us put much of our plans on hold and hunker down into survival mode. Dishes and laundry piled up. The to-do list sat abandoned and growing longer with each week. I longed for spring, hoping against hope, that it would bring a change in these trials. I watched dear friends going through some of their darkest days and wanted desperately to be more of an encouragement to them, and I wanted spring to come for them, too.
Now that spring has started to peek its head out from behind our cold, grey skies I can say the trials seem to be fading- for now at least. My heart feels a sense of hope again. Dishes and laundry are caught up on. I have been to the grocery more times than I can count in the past few weeks (and enjoyed every second of it). I even turned the thermostat up to 'a balmy 66 degrees' (ha!) since the temps outside won't mean our furnace is working so hard.
So, now that spring is here I feel like I'm coming up to breathe again. There has never been such hope with the coming of a new season and I am thankful God created the beauty of different seasons. Spring, you may just be my favorite this year.
Head over to my friend Christina's blog to get her take on spring this year!
Saturday, March 1, 2014
From Where I Stand {Chicken Fajitas}
Scrumptious! The hubby spoke right up after his first bite and said
to add this one to the rotation on our monthly meal plan. I'm glad he said so because I was
planning on it after I had a few bites. It is just that good (and
healthy)! And the best part is we can both eat it. Nick eats his in a tortilla and mine tops a bed of salad greens & cilantro (LOVE it!) since I stay away from grains these days.
1 lb. boneless, skinless chicken breasts cut into strips (I used tenderloins and left them as is)
2 Tbsp vegetable oil (My preference is olive oil)
2 tsp chili powder
2 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp dried oregano
1/4 tsp salt (I omitted this and would again)
1 (15 oz) can diced tomatoes with green chilies
1 medium onion, sliced
1 large bell pepper, sliced (I used a mix of red, orange, and yellow)
Flour tortillas
Toppings: i.e. cheese, sour cream or greek yogurt, guacomole, salsa
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Grease a 9x13 pan and place chicken in it.
In a small bowl combine the oil and spices.
Drizzle the mixture over the chicken. Stir to coat.
Add the tomatoes, peppers, and onions. Stir.
Bake, uncovered, for 25 minutes or until chicken is fully cooked
Serve on tortillas with desired toppings.
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Picture from an old blog of mine, hence the watermark. |
Nick admitted he made his into more of a burrito after requesting rice. I
was fine with this and served up some brown rice seasoned with cumin
and garlic salt. Whatever keeps him happy!
Enjoy! Be sure to check out my friend Christina's recipe for veggie calzones.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Goals for 2014
I've really been recognizing the importance of being intentional, of writing down my goals, talking about my goals, and even praying about my goals. 2014 has the potential to be a very big year for Mr. Fantastik and I. A BUSY, big year. So, in order to not let the hustle and bustle overtake us we've been talking about what we want to see happen this year.
1. Adoption. This is ultimately on the Lord's time-table, but we need to be devoting a certain amount of time per week to this endeavor. We believe we are called to care for the orphan through adoption and despite our best intentions if we don't keep this focus other things will crowd in and take over. We're committed to praying about, talking about, doing paperwork, fundraising, saving etc etc this year. Ultimately we'd like to spend a minimum of 2-3 hours each week focusing our undivided attention on our adoption. Some weeks there will be less paperwork. Other weeks we may be praying around the clock.
2. Save. save. save. I am SO thankful for a husband who is committed to living debt-free. That said, we know in order to continue to do so we also need to save. Somewhere down the line both of us will need a new car and some new household appliances. In order to offset these costs we need to be saving now. We continue to save anything I make from nannying, teaching, Jamberry, selling items on Ebay or Craigslist to go towards our adoption, but we'd like to be saving even more towards that.
3. Education. Nick is looking into some continuing education. We're both taking an 18 week parenting class through our church. I need tobrush up on learn Spanish in preparation for adopting from Latin America, not to mention the ministry opportunities even here in our city.
4. Read. This could really go along with education as I want to read to grow, learn, and change this year. Yes, I still enjoy fiction, but I want this to be a year I read some very meaningful books. Here are just a few that have made my list:
Choosing Gratitude was given to me almost 4 years ago by a very generous friend during what has been one of the HARDEST seasons of my life. It was a good read then and I need a refresher these days. I seem to be in a season of wrestling with God over some things and need to choose to be thankful no matter what.

Nick gave me a leather bound edition of Mansfield Park when we were dating. It was supposed to be for Valentine's Day, but I got an antique book of poetry that had been in his family for years (yeah, that carried a lot of weight when we had only been dating officially one month). I have yet to read it and that is a MUST for this year.

The Connected Child has been suggested by multiple people connected in some way to adoption. I need to get my hands on a copy and pour through it, allowing it to challenge my thinking.

I have The Excellent Wife and need to get through it, but a friend suggested this one and I really like the emphasis on memorization and application this book has in its daily readings.
One of my all-time favorite pastors is Rick Holland.
He is responsible for the most growth and edification in my life apart from my own pastors through the years. I've started this one, but never made it through due to the craziness a season of dating and engagement brought. I've started it over and already know it is going to be one of my favorites this year.
5. Grow in discipline. We are about to get much busier than we've been since getting married. Small group, Saturday morning men's study, accountability meetings, continuing education, parenting class, covering a maternity leave, nanny job, being self-employed, walking through the adoption paperwork, appointments, phone calls, fundraising, and much more. I get tired just thinking about all the new things we are biting off this year. Yet, this is a year I want to learn to slow down and focus on what is important or at least be disciplined enough to make it happen. I want to pray and pray well. I want to be better about praying specifically for others. I want to be better at asking in faith and believing God will answer.
2014 has already started off with a 'bang', bringing multiple reasons to grieve and 'wrestle' with God, as well as reasons to rejoice. I have a sense this is going to be a very growing year which admittedly can make me a bit anxious as I anticipate how God is going to achieve that. Ultimately I rest in knowing His love for us and take comfort that both the sun and the rain come from Him.
What are your goals for 2014?
1. Adoption. This is ultimately on the Lord's time-table, but we need to be devoting a certain amount of time per week to this endeavor. We believe we are called to care for the orphan through adoption and despite our best intentions if we don't keep this focus other things will crowd in and take over. We're committed to praying about, talking about, doing paperwork, fundraising, saving etc etc this year. Ultimately we'd like to spend a minimum of 2-3 hours each week focusing our undivided attention on our adoption. Some weeks there will be less paperwork. Other weeks we may be praying around the clock.
2. Save. save. save. I am SO thankful for a husband who is committed to living debt-free. That said, we know in order to continue to do so we also need to save. Somewhere down the line both of us will need a new car and some new household appliances. In order to offset these costs we need to be saving now. We continue to save anything I make from nannying, teaching, Jamberry, selling items on Ebay or Craigslist to go towards our adoption, but we'd like to be saving even more towards that.
3. Education. Nick is looking into some continuing education. We're both taking an 18 week parenting class through our church. I need to
4. Read. This could really go along with education as I want to read to grow, learn, and change this year. Yes, I still enjoy fiction, but I want this to be a year I read some very meaningful books. Here are just a few that have made my list:
Choosing Gratitude was given to me almost 4 years ago by a very generous friend during what has been one of the HARDEST seasons of my life. It was a good read then and I need a refresher these days. I seem to be in a season of wrestling with God over some things and need to choose to be thankful no matter what.

Nick gave me a leather bound edition of Mansfield Park when we were dating. It was supposed to be for Valentine's Day, but I got an antique book of poetry that had been in his family for years (yeah, that carried a lot of weight when we had only been dating officially one month). I have yet to read it and that is a MUST for this year.

The Connected Child has been suggested by multiple people connected in some way to adoption. I need to get my hands on a copy and pour through it, allowing it to challenge my thinking.

I have The Excellent Wife and need to get through it, but a friend suggested this one and I really like the emphasis on memorization and application this book has in its daily readings.
One of my all-time favorite pastors is Rick Holland.
He is responsible for the most growth and edification in my life apart from my own pastors through the years. I've started this one, but never made it through due to the craziness a season of dating and engagement brought. I've started it over and already know it is going to be one of my favorites this year.
5. Grow in discipline. We are about to get much busier than we've been since getting married. Small group, Saturday morning men's study, accountability meetings, continuing education, parenting class, covering a maternity leave, nanny job, being self-employed, walking through the adoption paperwork, appointments, phone calls, fundraising, and much more. I get tired just thinking about all the new things we are biting off this year. Yet, this is a year I want to learn to slow down and focus on what is important or at least be disciplined enough to make it happen. I want to pray and pray well. I want to be better about praying specifically for others. I want to be better at asking in faith and believing God will answer.
2014 has already started off with a 'bang', bringing multiple reasons to grieve and 'wrestle' with God, as well as reasons to rejoice. I have a sense this is going to be a very growing year which admittedly can make me a bit anxious as I anticipate how God is going to achieve that. Ultimately I rest in knowing His love for us and take comfort that both the sun and the rain come from Him.
What are your goals for 2014?
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
From Where I Stand {2013 in Review}
As Nick and I were driving to Costco the other day (yes, this qualifies as a date in our household-- we enjoy Costco so much) we were discussing some of the stand-out moments of 2013. As we talked it became clear this year was one God continued to show Himself sovereign over every detail, hard and good. The realization came that hard can also be good. Stretching. Growing... Even if we don't like it at the time.
After buying our house, we decided it was time to put down roots in the local community and find a local church. It was very hard to leave our previous church where I had been a member for several years before we were married. What a wonderful family we had there!! Thankfully God led us to our new church home this year. Nick especially has been super encouraged by a men's group that meets every Saturday morning at 6 a.m.! (Yes, you read that correctly). We've joined a small group and will soon be starting a parenting class for 'soon' to-be and current parents. We know we are biting off a lot as first time parents with thinking we'll be bringing home more than one kiddo, most likely between the ages of 3 and 7, and think now is a good time to glean wisdom and think through how we will parent in the future.
I was able to nanny for a 2.5 year old during the first several months of the year. She is a complete and utter doll- probably the cutest little girl on the face of the planet (and I'm not exaggerating hehe). We got to hang out 4 days a week. I miss her lots, but she is loving her new preschool and I'm thankful for the friendship I have developed with her mom. We still grab coffee (tea for me) and I get to see Olivia some, especially during the summer when we can play at the local park. Their friendship is such an encouragement to me!
Having long-distance friends come to visit is always fun. Renae and I were roommates on a summer project in Traverse City with Cru waaay back in 2005. I find myself incredibly thankful for her friendship through the years. We got married the same year and were in each other's weddings. Since then, she and Samuel have had a little guy. He is THE cutest little thing ever and we became buddies. Samuel competes in the sheep shearing contest at the Indiana State Fair and we just love hosting them and having fun with like-minded friends!
Our biggest news was announced in October, right after we had celebrated our 2nd anniversary (have I mentioned how blessed I am?). In case you missed it, we're adopting! The plan right now is a sibling pair from Latin America. God knows what He is doing and we are along for this wild, crazy ride. Talk about growing our faith! We saw God graciously provide when we were at the Together for Adoption conference in Louisville by allowing us to meet another young couple who is walking a similar adoption road and who just happen to live in our area. We met some other friends there that we are blessed by and hope that we will see again even if they are several states south.
Adoption is crazy expensive and we are committed to doing this without going into debt. So, one way we decided to raise funds was through selling Jamberry. This has been a bigger blessing than I would have ever imagined, even beyond the financial benefits. I enjoy using my organization and communication skills it requires, meeting new friends and re-kindling old friendships, and of course, it goes without saying that I REALLY enjoy having my nails done in a cute, budget-friendly way!
Another highlight of the year was reading. Nick and I bonded over our love of reading in the early days of our relationship. As we talked in 2012 we decided we wanted to be intentional about reading in 2013. We know life just has a way of getting busier and busier, especially with adoption paperwork. My goal was to read 100 books. I read 70. Not sure what my goal for next year is in regards to reading. Suggestions are welcome!!
Overall, we'd say the theme of 2013 was a year of firsts, not all good, and yet hard can often lead to good. We hope that 2014 will be an even better year, but ultimately know the Lord is sovereign and this is what we cling to.
Be sure and check out my friend Julia's year in review: www.richardandjuliarudolph.blo
After buying our house, we decided it was time to put down roots in the local community and find a local church. It was very hard to leave our previous church where I had been a member for several years before we were married. What a wonderful family we had there!! Thankfully God led us to our new church home this year. Nick especially has been super encouraged by a men's group that meets every Saturday morning at 6 a.m.! (Yes, you read that correctly). We've joined a small group and will soon be starting a parenting class for 'soon' to-be and current parents. We know we are biting off a lot as first time parents with thinking we'll be bringing home more than one kiddo, most likely between the ages of 3 and 7, and think now is a good time to glean wisdom and think through how we will parent in the future.
I was able to nanny for a 2.5 year old during the first several months of the year. She is a complete and utter doll- probably the cutest little girl on the face of the planet (and I'm not exaggerating hehe). We got to hang out 4 days a week. I miss her lots, but she is loving her new preschool and I'm thankful for the friendship I have developed with her mom. We still grab coffee (tea for me) and I get to see Olivia some, especially during the summer when we can play at the local park. Their friendship is such an encouragement to me!
Having long-distance friends come to visit is always fun. Renae and I were roommates on a summer project in Traverse City with Cru waaay back in 2005. I find myself incredibly thankful for her friendship through the years. We got married the same year and were in each other's weddings. Since then, she and Samuel have had a little guy. He is THE cutest little thing ever and we became buddies. Samuel competes in the sheep shearing contest at the Indiana State Fair and we just love hosting them and having fun with like-minded friends!
Our biggest news was announced in October, right after we had celebrated our 2nd anniversary (have I mentioned how blessed I am?). In case you missed it, we're adopting! The plan right now is a sibling pair from Latin America. God knows what He is doing and we are along for this wild, crazy ride. Talk about growing our faith! We saw God graciously provide when we were at the Together for Adoption conference in Louisville by allowing us to meet another young couple who is walking a similar adoption road and who just happen to live in our area. We met some other friends there that we are blessed by and hope that we will see again even if they are several states south.
Adoption is crazy expensive and we are committed to doing this without going into debt. So, one way we decided to raise funds was through selling Jamberry. This has been a bigger blessing than I would have ever imagined, even beyond the financial benefits. I enjoy using my organization and communication skills it requires, meeting new friends and re-kindling old friendships, and of course, it goes without saying that I REALLY enjoy having my nails done in a cute, budget-friendly way!
Another highlight of the year was reading. Nick and I bonded over our love of reading in the early days of our relationship. As we talked in 2012 we decided we wanted to be intentional about reading in 2013. We know life just has a way of getting busier and busier, especially with adoption paperwork. My goal was to read 100 books. I read 70. Not sure what my goal for next year is in regards to reading. Suggestions are welcome!!
Overall, we'd say the theme of 2013 was a year of firsts, not all good, and yet hard can often lead to good. We hope that 2014 will be an even better year, but ultimately know the Lord is sovereign and this is what we cling to.
Be sure and check out my friend Julia's year in review: www.richardandjuliarudolph.blo
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